Debroy, Saptarshi, Assistant Professor; PhD, Central Florida; Cyber-security, big data networking, distributed and cloud computing, wireless networking.
Epstein, Susan L., Professor; PhD, Rutgers; Problem solving, machine learning, cognitive modeling, knowledge representation, constraint satisfaction programming, bioinformatics.
Khatchadourian, Raffi, Assistant Professor; PhD, Ohio State; Software engineering and software security, formal methods, automated software evolution, static and dynamic program analysis.
Mneimneh, Saad, Assistant Professor; PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Fast network switches, optical routing, graph problems, and computational biology.
Sakas, William G., Associate Professor and Chair; PhD, CUNY Graduate Center; Cognitive science, computational models of language acquisition, computational linguistics.
Schaffer, Cullen, Associate Professor; PhD, Rutgers; Computation-intensive approaches to data analysis.
Schweitzer, Eric, Lecturer; MA, SUNY at Stonybrook; Theory of computation, logics of knowledge and probabilistic reasoning.
Shankar, Subash, Associate Professor; PhD, Minnesota; Software engineering, formal methods, automated reasoning, system modeling, analysis and verification.
Stamos, Ioannis, Associate Professor; PhD, Columbia; Computer vision and computer graphics, range sensing, 3-D modeling; range segmentation, sensor fusion, range-range and range-image registration.
St. John, Katherine, Professor; PhD, UCLA; Intersection of biology, computing, and mathematics, focusing on tree structures used to model evolutionary histories, binary search trees, and ways to compare and visualize these structures.
Weiss, Stewart N., Associate Professor; PhD, NYU; Software testing, analysis verification, reliability theory, parallel architecture and computing.
Vazquez-Abad, Felisa, Professor; PhD, Brown; Stochastic optimization, modeling and simulation of random processes, statistical estimation of sensitivity for discrete event systems, applied probability, applications of decision making.
Xie, Lei, Associate Professor; PhD, Rutgers; Computational techniques to study the structure, function, dynamic, and evolution of molecular interactions. Bridging the basic sciences with clinical research.
Xu, Jia, Assistant Professor; PhD, Technical University of Aachen (Germany); Computational linguistics, natural language processing, artificial intelligence, machine translation, machine learning.
Zamfirescu, Christina, Professor; PhD, Technical University of Aachen (Germany); Graph theory, algorithms on graphs, transformation networks, discrete mathematic, intersection digraphs, evaluating complexity in chemical topology using graph theory.