Mar 09, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018 
Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Tanya Agathocleous, Associate Professor, English; BA Brown; PhD Rutgers

Meena Alexander, Distinguished Professor, English; BA Khartoum (Sudan), PhD Nottingham (UK)

Cristina L. Alfar, Associate Professor; BA, MA California State (Fresno), PhD Washington (Seattle)

Jeff Allred, Associate Professor, English; BA Williams, PhD Pennsylvania

Kelvin Black, Assistant Professor, English; BA Duke; Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley

Mark Bobrow, Lecturer, English; BA Cornell, MA City College, MPhil CUNY

Peter Carey, Distinguished Professor, English

Sarah Chinn, Professor and Chair, English; BA Yale, MA, PhD Columbia

Chong Chon-Smith, Associate Professor, English; BA Texas (Austin), MA Hawaii (Manoa), PhD California (San Diego)

Rebecca Connor, Associate Professor, English; BA Wesleyan, PhD Stanford

Nijah Cunningham, Assistant Professor, English; BA Boston College, PhD Columbia

Jeremy Glick, Associate Professor, English; BA, MA, PhD Rutgers

Karen Greenberg, Professor, English; BA Queens, MA, PhD NYU

Lynne Greenberg, Associate Professor, English; BA Brown, JD Chicago, PhD CUNY

Wendy Hayden, Associate Professor, English; BA Montclair State; MA, PhD Maryland, College Park

Marlene Hennessy, Associate Professor, English; BA Bard, MA, PhD Columbia

Gavin Hollis, Associate Professor, English; BA Trinity Hall College, Cambridge University (UK); MPhil University of Birmingham (UK); PhD Michigan, Ann Arbor

Nico Israel, Professor, English; BA California (Los Angeles), PhD Yale

Leigh Jones, Associate Professor, English; BA Seattle, MA Washington State, PhD Arizona

Richard Kaye, Associate Professor, English; BA Chicago, PhD Princeton

Jan Heller Levi, Professor, English; BA Sarah Lawrence

Donna Masini, Professor, English; BA Hunter, MA NYU

Paul McPherron, Associate Professor, English; BA University of Illinois; MA, PhD California (Davis)

Evelyn Melamed, Assistant Professor, English; AB, MA Adelphi, MA City College

Mark J. Miller, Associate Professor, English; BA Arizona, MA, PhD Pennsylvania State

Janet Neary, Associate Professor, English; BA California (Santa Cruz); MA, PhD California (Irvine)

Elizabeth Nunez, Distinguished Professor, English; BA Marian College; MA, PhD NYU

Katherine J. Parry, Professor, English; Dip Ed Makerere College (Uganda), MA Cambridge (UK), EdM, EdD Teachers College, Columbia

Sonali Perera, Associate Professor, English and Deputy Chair; BA California (Berkeley); MA, PhD Columbia

Angela Reyes, Professor, English and Deputy Chair; BA Michigan State, MSEd Penn State, PhD Pennsylvania

Amy Moorman Robbins, Associate Professor, English; BA Washington (Seattle), MA Portland State, PhD California (Riverside)

Dow Robbins, Doctoral Lecturer, English; BA California (Santa Cruz), BA, MA Portland State; PhD California (Riverside)

Thomas R. Sleigh, Distinguished Professor, English; MA Johns Hopkins

Trudith M. Smoke, Professor, English; BA Queens, MA, PhD NYU

Michael Thomas, Associate Professor, English; BA Hunter, MFA Warren Wilson College

Neal Tolchin, Associate Professor, English; BA Ramapo, PhD Rutgers

Sylvia Tomasch, Professor, English; BA Brooklyn, PhD CUNY

Alan Vardy, Professor, English; BA, MA Simon Fraser (Canada), PhD Washington (Seattle)

Barbara Webb, Associate Professor, English; BA Bryn Mawr, MA, PhD NYU

Stephen Wetta, Lecturer, English; BA Virginia Commonwealth, MA, PhD NYU

David Winn, Assistant Professor, English; BA California (Irvine), MA Colorado