Christa Acampora, Professor, Philosophy; BA Hollins, MA, PhD Emory
Linda Martin Alcoff, Professor, Philosophy; BA, MA Georgia State University, PhD Brown University
Ian Blecher, Lecturer; BA Yale, MA, PhD Pittsburgh
Omar H. Dahbour, Professor, Philosophy; BA Trinity, MA Boston, MA Columbia, PhD Chicago, PhD CUNY
James Freeman, Professor, Philosophy; MA Drew, BA, PhD Indiana
Justin Garson, Associate Professor; BA Evergreen State, MA, PhD University of Texas
Carol C. Gould, Distinguished Professor; BA University of Chicago, MPhil, PhD Yale University
Daniel W. Harris, Assistant Professor; BA Simon Fraser, MA, PhD CUNY
Laura Keating, Associate Professor and Chair, Philosophy; BA Michigan State, MA, PhD Ohio State
Frank Kirkland, Associate Professor, Philosophy; BA Bucknell, MA, PhD New School
Gerald Press, Professor, Philosophy; BA California (Berkeley), MA, PhD California (San Diego)
Steven Ross, Professor, Philosophy; BA Brandeis, PhD Harvard