Students who are not interested in earning a degree but wish to enroll in college credit bearing courses relating to career advancement, preparation for graduate school or other special interests may be admitted as nondegree students. All students wishing to enroll at Hunter in a nondegree status must obtain an application for nondegree admission from the Hunter College website or the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment, Room 100 Hunter North. This application, along with verification of at least a high school diploma or 24 earned college credits, must be submitted to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment. Neither a high school certification nor an IEP diploma is acceptable (see the nondegree application for further information.) A nondegree admission fee of $65 will be charged at the student’s first registration. Nondegree students may register for any course for which space is available at the time of registration, provided they have met the prerequisites and have taken and passed applicable placement exams. (Check with the appropriate departments for more information concerning prerequisites and placement exams.) Such students: (1) are permitted to attempt up to 12 credit hours before they are required to take the CUNY Skills Assessment Test(s) and, providing they pass all parts of the test(s), must (2) either matriculate or leave the college when they have attempted 24 credits. Courses in which the student receives a grade of “W” do not count toward the 12- or 24-credit limitations. Students are permitted to take the CUNY Skills Assessment Test(s) at any time before the 12-credit limit. Generally, all parts of the Skills Assessment Test(s) must be taken, with the understanding that failing any part of the test(s) means the student cannot register for any further courses at Hunter College until all parts are successfully completed. (For student options in this case, see below.)
Baccalaureate, master’s or doctoral degree holders (from a college or university accredited by a regional U.S. accrediting association) are exempt from testing and the 24-credit limit, provided proof of the degree is submitted along with their application for admission.
For students who have failed any part of the CUNY Skills Assessment Tests and consequently cannot enroll at Hunter in a nondegree or matriculated status, remediation is available at CUNY community colleges. Generally, students must matriculate at these colleges before they can take the appropriate remedial courses. Upon completing the relevant courses, students may apply for readmission to Hunter.
Credits earned at Hunter College as a non-degree student are automatically transferred into a degree program upon matriculation at Hunter. Those credits earned at Hunter will be accepted as residency credits.
Applications for all categories of nondegree students must be filed by April 1st for summer, May 1st for fall, October 1st for winter and November 1st for spring.