Mar 09, 2025
Undergraduate Catalog 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
- Currently enrolled degree and non-degree students: Students register for the course online at their CUNYfirst account and then provide a letter on letterhead stationery, signed by the Chairperson of the academic department which offers the course and approving that the course may be taken for AUDIT grade. This letter must be delivered to the One Stop, Room 217 North Building before the last day of the first week of classes during posted office hours. See www.hunter.cuny.edu/onestop/hours-of-operation for office hours. This option is only available through the first week of classes for each semester or term. Audit status will not be posted for students after the last day of the first week of classes. Audit grade status cannot be reversed once posted.
- Senior Citizens: Students classified as Senior Citizens by the college may register for courses as auditors only.
- Newly admitted and/or readmitted degree and non-degree students: Consult with the Office of Advising, Room 1119 East Building.