Mar 10, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2015-2016 
Undergraduate Catalog 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Psychology Faculty

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Amber Alliger, Lecturer Doctoral, Psychology; BA Hunter College, PhD CUNY

Christopher Braun, Professor and Chair, Psychology; BA Hampshire, MS, PhD California (San Diego)

Nesha Burghardt, Assistant Professor, Psychology; BA California (Berkeley), PhD New York University

Sheila Chase, Professor, Psychology; BA, MA City College, PhD CUNY

Martin Chodorow, Professor, Psychology; BA Texas (Austin), PhD MIT

Darlene DeFour, Associate Professor, Psychology; BA Fisk, MA, PhD Illinois

Tracy A. Dennis, Professor, Psychology; BA Rochester, PhD Pennsylvania State

Dawn Dugan, Lecturer Doctoral, Psychology, B.S., New York University, Ph.D., Hofstra University

Joel Erblich, Associate Professor, Psychology; BA Maryland, MPH Columbia School of Public Health, MA, PhD USC

Roseanne Flores, Associate Professor, Psychology; BS Fordham, MA Hunter, PhD CUNY

Maria A. Giammarella, Associate Professor, Psychology; BS Catholic University (Puerto Rico), MA New School for Social Research, EdS, MS, PhD SUNY (Albany)

Sarit Golub, Professor, Psychology; BA Yale, MPH Columbia School of Public Health, PhD Harvard

James Gordon, Professor, Psychology; BA Rochester, MA, PhD Brown

Cheryl Harding, Professor, Psychology; BA Bucknell, PhD Rutgers

Mark E. Hauber, Professor, Psychology; BS Yale, PhD Cornell, DSc Auckland

Michael Hoyt, Associate Professor, Psychology; BA SUNY (Geneseo), MA, PhD Arizona State

Rebecca Farmer Huselid, Associate Professor, Psychology; BA Sterling College, MA Cal State (Fresno), PhD Kansas

Shirzad Jenab, Professor, Psychology; BA SUNY (Binghamton), MA Queens, PhD Mount Sinai

Lynne M. Kemen, Coordinator for Undergraduate Studies, Psychology; BA Hunter College, MA Cornell, PhD CUNY

Ellen Tobey Klass, Associate Professor, Psychology; BA, PhD Chicago

Joseph Lao, Senior Lecturer, Psychology; BA Long Island University, MA, PhD Teachers College, Columbia University.

Michael J. Lewis, Professor, Psychology; BS Ursinus, MS Villanova, PhD Temple

Victoria Luine, Distinguished Professor, Psychology; BS Allegheny, PhD SUNY (Buffalo)

Amber Martin, Lecturer Doctoral; BA, PhD Minnesota

Douglas Mennin, Professor, Psychology; BA Oberlin, MA, PhD Temple

Regina Miranda, Associate Professor, Psychology; BA Yale, MA, PhD NYU

Peter Moller, Professor, Psychology; First Diploma, PhD Free University (Berlin), PhD CUNY

Jeffrey T. Parsons, Distinguished Professor, Psychology; BA, MA, PhD Houston

Sandeep Prasada, Professor, Psychology; BS McGill (Canada), PhD MIT

Thomas Preuss, Professor, Psychology; MS, PhD University of Tübingen, Germany

Vanya Quiñones-Jenab, Professor, Psychology and Acting Associate Provost for Student Success and Retention; BA, MA Puerto Rico, PhD Rutgers

Diana Reiss, Professor, Psychology; BA, PhD Temple

Salomon Rettig, Emeritus Professor, Psychology; BA Temple, MA, PhD Ohio State

Tracey Revenson, Professor, Psychology; BA Yale, MA, PhD New York University

Kimberly Robinson, Lecturer Doctoral, Psychology; B.A. Southern Maine, M.S, PhD. SUNJ (Rutgers)

Glenn Schafe, Professor, Psychology; B.S. College of William and Mary, Ph.D.Washington

Stefan Schlussman, Lecturer Doctoral, Psychology; BS Minnesota; PhD New York Medical College

Peter Serrano, Associate Professor, Psychology; BA UCLA, MA, PhD University of California, Berkeley

Michael Siller, Associate Professor, Psychology; Diploma Free University (Berlin), MA, PhD California (Los Angeles)

Tyrel Starks, Assistant Professor, Psychology; BS South Dakota; PhD Southern Illinois University (Carbondale)

Tricia Striano, Professor, Psychology; BA College of the Holy Cross, MA, PhD Emory

Ofer Tchernichovski, Professor, Psychology; BSc., PhD Tel Aviv University, DVM The Hebrew University

Virginia Valian, Distinguished Professor, Psychology; BA Michigan (Ann Arbor), MA, PhD Northeastern

Mariann Weierich, Assistant Professor, Psychology; BA Notre Dame, MS PhD Yale

Brooke Wells, Assistant Professor, Psychology; BA Knox College, MA San Diego State, PhD CUNY

Jason Young, Associate Professor, Psychology; BA Indiana, PhD Minnesota

H. Philip Zeigler, Distinguished Professor, Psychology; BA City College, PhD Wisconsin (Madison



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