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Center for Gifted Studies and Education. The mission of the Hunter College Center for Gifted Studies and Education is to support and empower gifted students, their teachers, and their families by playing a leading role in research, teacher training, and the development of new curricula, programs, and policies.
Math Center. Hunter College established the Mathematics Center for Learning and Teaching to help promote the mathematics competency of PreKindergarten through grade 12 children.
Regional Autism Center. The Regional Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders aims to improve education services to children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders in New York City and to assist families in supporting their children in their home and community.
Urban Teacher Residency (UTR). The New Visions for Public Schools-Hunter College Urban Teacher Residency is a two year teacher-preparation program that fully integrates the graduate coursework of the aspiring teacher (resident) with intensive, hands-on experiences in New York City schools.
Video Analysis of Teaching. This video analysis initiative will place the Hunter College School of Education at the forefront of national efforts to improve the preparation of teachers.