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Janos A. Bergou, Professor; PhD, Lorand Eotvos; Intense Field Electrodynamics, Multiphoton Processes, Nonlinear and Quantum Optics, Quantum Information
Ying-Chih Chen, Professor and Department Chair; PhD, Columbia; Laser Physics, Laser Devices, Biomedical Imaging, Photoacoustics
Leon Cohen, Professor; PhD, Yale; Quantum Mechanics, N-Body Self Gravitation Problem,Wave Propagation in Random Media
Kelle Cruz, Assistant Professor, PhD. Pennsylvania; Astronomy, Astrophysics
Steven G. Greenbaum, Professor; PhD, Brown; Magnetic Resonance, Solid State Physics, Renewable Energy Materials
Godfrey Gumbs, Distinguished Professor; PhD, Toronto; Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Optical and Transport Properties of Semiconductor Nanostructures
Mark Hillery, Professor; PhD, California (Berkeley); Quantum Optics, Non-linear Optics, Quantum Information
Hyungsik Lim, Assistant Professor; PhD, Cornell; Nonlinear Optics, Biomedical Optics, and Biophysics
Neepa Tatyana Maitra, Associate Professor, PhD, Harvard; Theoretical Chemical Physics, Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory
Yuhang Ren, Associate Professor; PhD, College of William & Mary, Zhejiang University (China), Nonlinear Ultra-fast Laser Spectroscopy, Condensed Matter Physics |