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Adrienne Alaie, Assistant Professor; PhD, CUNY, Science Education
Jesus Angulo, Professor; PhD, CUNY; Addictive Drugs and Neurochemistry of the Synapse
Jill Bargonetti, Professor; PhD, NYU; Molecular Mechanisms of Tumorigenesis
Diana Bratu, Assistant Professor; PhD, NYU Medical, 4-D Visualization of mRNA Processes
Derrick Brazill, Associate Professor; PhD, California (Berkeley); Mechanisms of Cell Density Sensing in Eukaryotes
Jason Dictenberg, Assistant Professor; PhD, Massachusetts Medical, Gene Expression in Synaptic Development and Plasticity
Robert P. Dottin, Professor; PhD, Toronto; Regulation of Gene Expression by Signal Transduction
Laurel A. Eckhardt, Marie L. Hesselbach Professor; PhD, Stanford; Molecular Immunology; Executive Officer, Joint Hunter/City University Graduate Center PhD Program in Biological Sciences
Paul Feinstein, Associate Professor; PhD, Columbia, Genetics, Embryonic Stem Cells and Neural Development
Maria Figueiredo-Pereira, Professor; PhD, NYU; The Ubiquitin/Proteasome Pathway in Neurodegeneration
Marie T. Filbin, CUNY Distinguished Professor; PhD, Bath (England); Molecular Mechanisms of Axonal Regeneration
David A. Foster, Rosalyn Yalow Professor of Biology and Biochemistry; PhD, Columbia; Oncogenes and Signal Transduction
Mitchell Goldfarb, Professor; PhD, MIT; Molecular Neurobiology: Functions of Fibroblast Growth Factor-Homologous Factors (FHFs) and Other Signaling Molecules
Diego Loayza, Assistant Professor; PhD, Johns Hopkins; Molecular Biology of Telomeres and Genetics
Carmen Melendez-Vasquez, Assistant Professor; PhD, London; Cytoskeletal Regulation of Myelin Formation
Benjamin Ortiz, Associate Professor; PhD, Stanford; Regulation of Chromatin Structure and its Role in T-Cell Development
Roger Persell, Associate Professor; PhD, CUNY; Interdisciplinary Approaches to Biological Concepts, Evolution of Behavior, Science Education
Weigang Qiu, Associate Professor; PhD, SUNY, Stony Brook; Evolutionary Bioinformatics and Population Genetics of Bacterial Diversity.
Shirley Raps, Professor; PhD, Illinois; Cyanobacterial Plasmids, Microcystins and Phycobilisomes, Science Education
Patricia Rockwell, Professor; PhD, CUNY; Signal Transduction and Gene Expression Associated with Alzheimer’ s Disease
Thomas Schmidt-Glenewinkel, Associate Professor; Dr Phil Nat, Frankfurt (Germany); Molecular Biology of Nervous System Development
Hualin Zhong, Assistant Professor; PhD, Rutgers; Cell Biology the Nuclear Envelope and Molecular Genetics
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