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The bursar’s office collects all tuition and fees in accordance with CUNY policies and procedures.set forth by the Federal, State and City Governments.
Method of Payment for Tuition and Fees Students may pay for tuition and fees by cash, check, money order in person at the cashier windows, through the mail using a money order or check or online using acceptable credit cards (MasterCard, American Express or Discover) or an EFT from a bank account. All checks and money orders must be made payable Hunter College in U.S. currency only. Details concerning payment options are available online at
A tuition payment plan can be arranged through TuitionPay for an $18 fee. TuitionPay permits students to pay semester expenses over a five-month period for the Fall and Spring terms and a three-month period for the Summer term.
For more information, please log on to or call 1-866-267-CUNY.
Financial Obligations Students are expected to settle their bill by the college’s designated due dates. Pursuant to CUNY policy, students who have unsettled bills are cancelled for non-payment. Student accounts that remain unpaid for one year or more are turned over to the university’s collection agency. Students who have an unpaid balance or have not completed entrance/exit interviews for loan programs or other specific requirements of the college or an appropriate state or federal agency for which the university acts as either a disbursing or certifying agent will not be permitted to register for classes or obtain a transcript.
The bursar’s office collects all tuition and fees in accordance with CUNY policies and procedures.set forth by the Federal, State and City Governments.
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