Center for Occupational and Environmental Health
Brookdale Campus (BC) 1028 West Bldg
(212) 481-4357
The Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH) was founded as a research, training and educational center whose mission is to promote community and workplace health. The Hunter COEH works with community-based organizations, schools, labor unions, private employers and federal, municipal and state agencies to promote better understanding, access to information and improved skills in addressing workplace and environmental hazards. The center’s Director, Professor Jack Caravanos, is a full-time faculty member in the SPH. Recent areas of COEH’s focus include: improving the skills of hazardous materials and emergency response workers, enhancing community-based research partnerships to address neighborhood air pollution, reducing asthma rates in New York City and training Community Health Workers. Professors Goldberg, Klitzman and Matte are also affiliated.
Center for Urban and Community Health
Brookdale Campus (BC)
10th floor West Bldg
(646) 733-2862
The Center for Community and Urban Health (CCUH)was founded in 1986. The center’s Director, Beatrice J. Krauss, PhD, is a full-time tenured professor at the SPH. The CCUH is dedicated to strengthening the capacity of individuals, families, organizations and populations to address and resolve contemporary community and urban health issues and concerns. The center conducts scientifically informed, interdisciplinary research and evaluation, program development, training and education, technical assistance and consultation and policy advisement. Professors Alcabes, Wheeler, and Parson are also affiliated with this center.
Brookdale Center on Aging of Hunter College
Brookdale Campus (BC), 13th Floor, North Building
(212) 481-3780
The Brookdale Center for Healthy Aging & Longevity (BCHAL) was founded in 1974 and is one of the country’s first multi-disciplinary academic centers dedicated to the advancement of successful aging and longevity. Through research, education, training and evaluation of evidence-based models of practice and policy, it plays a vital role in enhancing the quality of life of older Americans and their families. Its current focus is on contributing the knowledge that can help cities to support healthy aging. The center’s Co-Director and Director of Research, Marianne Fahs, PhD, and Associate Director for Research, William T. Gallo, PhD, are both full-time tenured faculty at the SPH.
Centro de Estudios Puertoriqueños/Center for Puerto Rican Studies
The Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños/Center for Puerto Rican Studies is a university-based research institute whose mission consists of two components. One is to collect, preserve and provide access to archival and library resources documenting the history and culture of Puerto Ricans and Latinos. The other is to produce, facilitate and disseminate interdisciplinary research about the Diaspora experiences of Puerto Ricans and to link this scholarly inquiry to social action and policy debates.
The Centro Library and Archives is the principal Puerto Rican Studies research collection in the United States and the most extensive Latino research and archival facility in the Northeast. It is also the only library and archives in the State of New York exclusively dedicated to Puerto Rican and Latino documentation. The Library and Archives is open to the public and serves diverse users, scholars and the general public from the New York area, from other parts of the U. S. and from abroad.
CENTRO participates in two exchange programs. (1) The CUNY/UPR Academic Exchange Program (Intercambio) is a program of academic interchange between the City University of New York (CUNY) and the University of Puerto Rico (UPR). The program serves all CUNY colleges. CUNY undergraduates may study for a semester, or the full academic year at the Rio Piedras Campus of the UPR and receive full credit from their home college. (2) The CUNY-Caribbean Exchange promotes institutional, faculty, and student intellectual and scientific exchange with academic institutions in the Caribbean.
Center for Study of Gene Structure and Function
Program Office: Room 315 Hunter North
The Center for Study of Gene Structure and Function (Gene Center) was established in 1985. The Gene Center is a consortium of 53 researchers from the fields of biology, biological anthropology, chemistry, nanotechnology urban public health, social work, biophysics and psychology who investigate a broad spectrum of exciting areas in biomedical research. The Gene Center is primarily supported by a major grant award from the Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI) Program of the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), an agency of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It is an active partner in the RCMI Translational Research Network (RTRN). Additional support is provided by the Gene Center’s strategic partnership in the Clinical Translational Science Center (CTSC) of the Weill Cornell Medical College. The City University of New York and Hunter College provide institutional support.
Areas of investigation at the Gene Center include:
- Addiction research
- Behavioral psychology
- Bioinformatics
- Biophysics
- Biological anthropology
- Biomolecular theory
- Biopsychology
- Drug design and synthesis
- Drug protein interaction with nucleic acids
- Gene expression and signal transduction
- Genomics
- Immunology
- Molecular immunology
- Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
- Structural biology
- Neurobiology and biopsychology
- Nanotechnology for medical therapeutics
The Gene Center supports state-of-the-art core research facilities, in the following areas:
Animal Care (AAALAC accredited)
Digital Bioimaging with Confocal Microscopy
Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS)
Internet2 and Video collaboration with Remote Instrumentation
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
X-ray Diffraction
Gene Center researchers have produced several significant findings in areas including cancer biology, neurobiology, nanotechnology, structural biology, biopsychology, drug addiction and AIDS. Its scientists have won national recognition, such as the Ameritec Prize for Paralysis Research the Presidential Award for Research and the Presidential Award for Mentoring for their outstanding contributions. The Gene Center commits to recruiting outstanding faculty, postdoctoral research associates and graduate students. It sponsors special national efforts to identify and promote the development of minorities underrepresented as scientists through participation of faculty in many nationally funded science research programs and through the JustGarciaHill science web site for the professional development of minorities in science. It also nurtures future biomedical researchers through its Summer Program for Undergraduate Research and through complementary activates such as its widely viewed web site on study skills for budding scientists.
The Gene Center supports a vibrant research environment by organizing and funding professional development initiatives, technology workshops, special seminars, colloquia, and a well-recognized annual international symposium, which has enjoyed 24 years of success.
The Gene Center is a key partner in the CTSC, an enterprise the Weill Cornell Medical College leads. Other partners include, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, the Hospital for Special Surgery, the Hunter College School of Nursing and the Cornell University Cooperative Extension in New York City. The CTSC, established in 2007, focuses on accelerating advanced research from the laboratory into state of the art patient care (“bench to bedside”) and on improving health outcomes in the community. The Gene Center stimulates collaborations among its members and with scientists at these and other internationally recognized institutions. In conjunction with the CTSC it offers qualified pre-doctoral fellows the opportunity to pursue a certificate in Clinical Translational Research from Weill Cornell Medical College culminating in a doctorate from Hunter/CUNY with a certificate or Masters in Clinical Investigation from Weill Cornell Medical College.
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